Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

[Perutnya] Jalan-jalan Kuliner ke Jogja @Roaster and Bear #kulinerjogja

Hiiiiiiii, very long time no see meeeee. Well, this time I wanna share a video, a culinary and short trip video to be exact with Perutnya Production, hehe.

I'll just be brief about this. Perutnya Production is a... um... what do you called it... Called it a community, a group of some of guys who love food and make a review about it. They have Youtube channel, Instagram account (@perutnya, follow follow follow :D) and blog (perutnya.blogspot.com). Make sure you guys get the update from them, follow all the social media of them and they will satisfy your hunger ;)

Oh, one more thing, most videos or reviews are about food in Solo, because they come originally from Solo. Sometimes, they do such a short trip, like this time on the video below, and hunt the 'special food' there. You get curious? Check this one out!


MORE P.S: pardon my face in the video :'D