Selasa, 27 Mei 2014


Hello, bello, Fellas! Hehehe it's been awhile not seeing you, you, you and you! Ha, I got some headache for sure here. Hehehe aaaaaanywaaaaayyy, I miss writing stuffs here and tell all of you what I've been through along these times of absences. Well, good day, everyone. It's May, huh? 2014 seems running so fast I could not even remember how I start this year. Aaand how do I start this post this time? Okay, let's sum up my life in this five months of 2014!

I'm sure I've posted couples months ago and told you some stories. Well, last month was April and it was our month -- Adit and my month to be exact. Ha! Ha! Ha! It sounds sooo cheesy that you you could throw up, but I hope you don't. Please, please I'm just so happy to have an anniversary for twice with Adit. Yeah, last April, to be exact on April 26th, 2014 was my second anniversary with him. Yay, finally I beat that fear that I couldn't go through this relationship for more than a year! Yes, yes, call it a trauma. For me, for him, for us. I won't tell about his, but mine, okay the point is I always have that short-term relationships with those guys back then. I found myself always being the brokenhearted party, left party, cheated on party, someone taken for granted party, that kind of person. Pathetic, right? I was. Yet, I try, I try and try to keep this relationship don't last for a short time and I always hope it will last for... yeah long time. Who don't? Back to my celebration *eceileh*, nothing's much. I just sent him a 'happy second anniversary' message and he replied it. We said prayers for our better personality, behaviour, future, everything. No cake, no confetti, no balloons, no flowers, no even presents, just prayers. I did remember why we couldn't have a proper dinner, perhaps. He should take care of his grandpa, since he was hospitalized. Thank God, there's no bad symptom or worse illness, just exhaution or something. I couldn't really remember the causal factor of grandpa's sickness. Oh, even up to today we don't have a proper dinner yet. I mean, just the two of us having a romantic dinner or just dinner, it'll be okay and date all day. Thanks to uni duties, weather, bancruptcy, going home, uni agenda, it doesn't happen yet. THAAAAAAAAAANK YOOOUUU SOOOOOOOO MUCH! No overreaction, please. Calm down, we still can have a silly date which I always have with him. But I miss talking all day with him. You know, it feels so much romantic to have a conversation, a smart one, with him. It feels more fun to have a silly one or talk about someone else! We did it most time, we share it with our friends, too. Call it evil, but it's fun! We can share laugh, news, gossip, everything. Just like the other couples, we are just a very ordinary normal couple. Hehe hopefully we can have third anniversary next year, the forth, fifth, sixth and so on. Then finally we get married, and so on, and so on. :D

Let's have another topic. Well, it's my forth year in uni, 8th semester. Ugh! It's the semester that full of pressure. You know, when you are in your last year in uni, usually, your parents start complaining and force you to end your uni life and graduate soon. Or the worse thing when there was a family gathering and someone asked, "What year are you in uni? Oh, in 8th! You will graduate soon, huh?", ooor..., "Wow, finally you do the thesis, dont you?", even worse, "Have you done your thesis?" The hell are you asking me about, people. Oops, sorry it was rude. But, I just can't get what's on these people's mind when ask about 'that thing'. It is so damn sensitive to be asked when you're in forth year and you still have theorical subjects or introduction for this and that methodology to be accomplished. Yeah, my fault, too, I didn't take my lecturing seriously. I don't know. When I thought I've tried my best, I received a bad score in return, I just couldn't get what's on those lecturers' mind. I do as the lecturers instructed, yet I still couldn't reach their expectation. They should understand that people have different level of intelligence and their speed to catch what the lecturers said. Parents, too. Why are they so demanding? Why did they always compare their kids with another kids? Does that even make sense? Oh, well just clone us from a bit of blood of a professor or genius and you get what you want. Or worse, the world will be a world of genius and there is no justice. Just eat cereal then. Craaaaaaap!
This sensitive thingy will always haunt me and my parents, especially my dear mother, will aaaaalwaaaaayyysssss be demanding and teasing me with this thesis thing. Just eat me, Mom, eat me. Yet, I'll try my veryveryvery BEST to prove that I'm not that dumd to gently present my dear mother a thesis, thesis of my bloody and sweaty experiment in university of Sebelas Maret. Yay! Glory Glory Sebelas Maret University!!!

Oh well, off of that hot and flaming thingy. Guys, did I ever tell that I'm a type of good reader and listener? Haha I might look messy and sloppy, yet I love reading, not that much tho. I just finished reading a metropop novel of an Indonesian novelist titled Antologi Rasa. Apin, my dear friend since from high school, borrowed me and I -- a bit forced, read it. Must say, it is an unrated book and I'm sure the novelist did make her piece simple in cover, but full of wisdom and magical words and sentences I can't imagine I could see that in Indonesian novel. Well, I didn't read much in this past 3 years, even I stopped buying novel and chick literatures from a long time ago. I feel comforted in bookstore, yet I'll feel like I must go out immediately from that place. I'm the typical of EDM listener and social media observer now. You know that Zedd, Alesso, Avicii, Hardwell person just hit this industry of music with brilliant invention of their talent in music, in DJ thingy to be exact. There must be some songs arranged in your playlist. You didn't listen them anymore, yet you're too lazy to delete it. I did, I do, I will perhaps. There are more than 100 songs arranged in a playlist in my cellphone, yet I'd like listening some certain songs that are hype and most of us know and could sing it. I'm that type of person. I don't have a favorite song which is always be my favorite and it must be in playlist. I just listen what I want to listen. When it comes to a song I don't want to listen, I just skipped it. Many times. Talking about Antologi Rasa I mentioned back then, it was published in August 2011 and made by Ika Natassa. It becomes a big hit and I didn't know about it until Apin give it to me. That way I just want to read her other masterpiece, such as A Very Yuppy Wedding, Divortiare and Underground. Once I read her last piece, I thougt the other pieces must have the same or almost the same theme. Actually I enjoy that. Reading stuffs, although -- must say it was a bit shocking and I was like... yeah, that's the truth. People, environment, media, food, drink and many more build a person to have to survive in every situation, implied in a situation they don't want to involve into. I just love how Ika Natassa build and develop her characters she made in the novel. Actually, the characters were made by a female novelist, so the way the characters talk, act, think just too female. Yup, in a logic way I mean. Still, it'd be a very good reading and I just can't stop reading it. I finished reading it in a couple of hours. For your information, it is a bit thick a new reader. Yet, it's sooo brilliant!

Apart from my ordinary daily life, I must thank God that I still can breathe and enjoy life the way I want. God and I have a private business that another people can't interfere us. It is a personal matter and they couldn't make me pounding. The earth is old and it needs to be bathed with prayers, worship and love. Call me old-fashioned, but I believe in God. The One who created and gave me life. Wow, it must be a heaviest talk I've ever said. Just, be good, people.

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