Hello, hello. Good evening, Fellas. Well, I'm not broken heart literally. I mean, my boyfriend and I are okay, we are totally okay. It's not about us though. I'll tell about 'her'. We were very good acquainted in the back days. Very very good.
I don't know exactly 'what's going on' about us. We are really really really different than we were in the old days. We used to hang out together, chill out, having lunch and whatsoever. It is just too bad realizing we are not that close anymore. You know, since I get acquainted with my boyfriend, she is not that welcome. I know, that's my fault, my weakness, ah whatever. One thing I'm not really sure about her is what's about her then? She's just not good enough than me. And why she exaggerates to blame me and so on! I don't really get her. She is so... complicated.
I know, it's so coward to write this on blog. I just don't understand her. I really love her, back in time we were very best friend and I still do. You know, it's like reciprocal relationship between us. Let's make an analogy. She does the similar thing as I do. She goes through similar events as I do. The result is we are just the same. The question then is why does she feel higher than me and humiliate me so damn bad? She's not that great though.
I don't hate her. No, I'm just disappointed. I feel like I'm not worth her enough to be friends. She's not the one I knew back in time. She's different. Totally different. I don't like her to be different. Yet, that's her right. You know that Gotye's song titled "Somebody I Used to Know", I feel that it's sooo me. No, it's sooo us. Ah, what am I thinking? :/
She will never hear me. She just does what she likes and ignores what people say. If only I can talk to her like we used to. I can just call her and chew her out. It may be rude or something, but I just don't like the way she is! I feel like I don't know her anymore. What's so wrong about caring to your friend? Your high school best friend? She is the typical girl that if I criticize her, she will attack me. She'll criticize me brutally. It's okay, even it's normal insulting your best friend like addressing them bitch, slut, or whatever it is. It becomes rude or unusual to insult your best friend like they are lower than you. It is brutally not normal! I said it's rude! It's not a normal conversation between your friend. It's judging!
I know it will not stop or even end my anger or solve the problem. I just need to decrease the level of my anger. It's not even worth it to angry to her. Well, who am I? You know, Gotye's song. It's her right. I don't have the authority to control her life and change her what I want her to be. I just oppose the way she is not the way she lives!
Long night. Good night, Bloggers. Be good :)
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